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Throughout his career he has worked in a wide variety of media, including painting, drawing, collage, photography, and printmaking, often utilizing contemporary technologies, including fax machines, laser photocopiers, and other 20th- and 21st-century digital instruments. Hockney’s works are notable for their quietness of subject, flatness of space, and subtle reduction of form. He is perhaps best recognized for the works he produced there: brightly colored, large-scale evocative images of the Southern California lifestyle, and domestic, intimate portraits of his friends, family, and lovers.

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In the late 1960s Hockney relocated to California and established himself as a prolific figurative and landscape artist.

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Hockney gained notoriety in his mid-twenties, after receiving the Gold Medal from London’s Royal College of Art, and he quickly became one of the defining figures of the British Pop Art movement. 1937) has produced some of the most vividly recognizable and influential works of the twentieth century.

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